Interdisciplinary Designers’ Guide to Being More Intentional

Interdisciplinary Designers’ Guide to Being More Intentional
December 28, 2021 Akanka

Nurturing the right culture in workplaces is crucial to long-term success. However, it isn’t surprising that leaders don’t know how to build the right culture beneficial to them and their employees. On the Future Africa blog, we shared practical steps from the Framework of Intention that can help design workplaces to be more peaceful, joyful, and happier.

When you engage in these steps, you’ll become an intentional person, and you’ll see a gradual improvement in any aspect of your life that you choose to focus on. A key to activating a mental review of these steps is to ask: “In this very moment, am I being intentional?”, then asking “How can I slow down right now?” This should activate the rest of the steps of the framework.

Read the full article here.


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